REaching out to our community



Faith is assurance the things revealed and promised in God’s Word are true. We reach out in Faith, believing God will provide according to his ability and not ours. Our efforts in our community are founded in our faith that God is able to do exceeding abundantly above all we ask or think, according to the power that works in us. Landmark is a place of faith, believing God will do the impossible for you.



Hope is confident expectation of what God has promised and realizing its strength is in His faithfulness. We reach out offering hope to whosoever will and believe the God of Hope will fill you with all joy and peace, that you may overflow in hope. Landmark is a place of hope, renewal and strength.


Love is God and God is love, and we embrace the call of God to love our neighbors as ourselves. We love our community and every neighbor in it, believing everyone should have the opportunity to know Christ in His fullness. Landmark shares the love of Jesus freely and is a place where you are loved, regardless of the challenges life has thrown your way.