Landmark Kids

Landmark Kids is committed to helping children know, grow, and share the love of God


Who we are

Landmark Kids is an awesome place that connects future generations with an awesome God

 Our mission is to create a fun and exciting learning environment where children can develop a relationship with Jesus.

“Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.”

– Jesus (Matthew 19:14)

What to expect

Landmark Kids is filled with awesome engagement and big encounters with God, while offering a safe, clean, and fun environment! We are passionate about sharing the love of Jesus and equipping future generations to become world changers.

Children attend age appropriate classes where teaching and interaction is on their level. Your child will dive deep into Bible stories through a variety of group lessons, games, discussions with Leaders, and prayer time. We are so excited to partner with families to raise children who love and trust Jesus.